Wednesday, January 04, 2006


At work today I had an interview with a woman named Elaine from the Resource Centre. The raison d'etre of this organisation is a noble one: the pottery industy in Stoke-on-trent is dying (cue violins). So the Ceramic & Allied Trade Union went to the government to procure funding to retrain all these skilled pottery workers with no potteries to work in.

After explaining to Elaine about my deteriorating eyesight, and expressing my concerns over travel and learning and adapting to a new environment, she recommended I look at courses available over the Net. Namely summat called 'Learn Direct'. I did point out that as my eyesight will be completely buggered in a few years, any training could be seen as a waste. She told me that I should still retrain, if no other reason than to supply me a a hobby.

No matter what the costs, the Resource Centre will meet them. And if the RNIB (Royal National Institute for the Blind) can recommend any courses for me -- but need paying for -- then once again funds will be made available through the Resource Centre. And there's also expert advice on hand to help with CVs and interview techniques should I ever need them. Can't say fairer than that.

I'm thinking about learning html and maybe digital photography. Neither will result in a career, but hobby-wise, I may get a kick out of them.

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