Saturday, January 21, 2006

Decks cleared

Cousin Simon came round this afternoon, with his little lad Elliot and baby Abigail. She's 11 months old and, well, I got kinda broody. Jill didn't, which is probably just as well, I suppose. But she was lovely though. Blonde hair, blue eyes. Adorable.

Ahem, Well, the list I made here three days ago is pretty much squared away. 'Kasper Clark' has been emailed to the editors (thanks Jon and Chris, for your excellent help and advice). The course for html design is booked. The tax forms have been filled in and posted. I've had a (very)brief look at 'Light Knight Returns'. Not done a critique yet, for, but that can wait til tomorrow. I tried to enrol on a digital imaging course but the local colleges think April is too far away to make plans and told me to phone at the end of March! So, that's it. I'm off to do item eight.

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