Yesterday, the blotches subsided to a level where I felt I could handle tools, so I had a go at assembling some wardrobes and drawer sets we've bought for Heather's bedroom.
Carefully read and familiarise yourself with the instructions and check the contents. Okay, I need to use 6 x #13 shallow head pilot screws first. Are these diddy little screws the ones? Or these other diddly little screws? They look damn near identical to me! So I went through the conents list and worked out that ther were a total of 34 of the tiny screws, 20 of one sort, 14 of the other. I had 33. I'm gonna hate this, I thought.
Hours later ....and step 36: Slide and tap home the wooden dowlings in the side fins. Grunt, they 're a tight fit but... tap, tap, tap, split! I phoned the shop who hardly let me finish before telling me they'd send some more fins. Methinks this is a common occurence, which gives a modicum of comfort. Taking no chances, I shaved the dowlings down with a craft knife for the other fins and they went in a treat.
As I write, I've still another unit -- a set of four drawers -- to put together. Oh, joy.
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