Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Where's the snow?

All over Blighty it is snowing, apparently, except here in Stoke-on-Trent. We get a few wisps now and again, but that's all. Bah!

I like snow. Not so much for the snowperson-builiding potential, or the prospect of snowballing or sledging, or even the photogenic vistas. No, I like the snow cos it means I can go outdoors at night and not walk into things. Everywhere is white and bright. Early morning trudges to work are relatively stress free after a good fall of snow. Everyone else is chuntering when I get there as they've just spent half an hour digging their cars free, but I don't care. "Get out and walk you lazy bastards," I say, and they all laugh, kicking me to keep warm.

The snow is my friend.

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