Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Jill to the rescue

Sunday's blog (okay, whine) was premature. Jill took up roller and brush and set to with a vengeance. I went out window shopping for bedroom furniture with Heather, Helen and Mark. When I got back, rather than interrupt Jill, who was in full flow, I caught up on several of my writing projects. Behind every good man is a good woman, spattered with paint.

Syd the builder is coming round this evening to help me pour the floor. Then Ken the glazer is coming over to finish the windows and fit the skirting boards (he was a joiner in a previous life, you see), and suddenly I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. And it's pretty large, so it must have been hidden just around a bend. Two or three weeks and it will all be over.

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