Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Rogue dots

Last night I decided to write to several friends -- new and old -- in my address book. Some of them I haven't contacted for several months, or even years. I wanted to let them know how I'm faring and re-establish old ties. So I invited them to look at my revamped website at www.mylefteye.net

Now I must have typed the name mylefteye a thousand times.

I managed to invited everyone to my.lefteye.net (I didn't see the rogue dot!). That URL leads to an eyecare website.

Quite appropriate really.


Gerard Brennan said...

Hi Mike

Been to visit your site. A vast improvement on the original. Clean and simple, but well polished. Chris has done a great job.

The content is okay too. :p

Seriously though, great stuff.

Can't wait until mine is up and running (I think it'll be the Summer). When it is I'll be requesting a place on the "Friends" list.

Michael Stone said...

Your place is reserved, GB. If that banner I saw on your blog was anything to go by, your site is going to look pretty rootin' tootin' too.