I can't believe how many copies are being printed. Pick a number between 1 and 2001. And aim high. Very high. The publishers are showing a lot of faith in the contents. And as I provided a quarter of those contents, I can only hope they are justified.
And I hope they booked a big table at the convention.
Boyd is doing a website, I'll post a link as soon as he's done.
Man, I love that cover.
It's a curious mix, isn't it. A bit gory, but quirky with it. A butcher's block as big as trees... Decidely odd is what it is.
I think that's what I love about it.
Never judge a book by its cover. What bollocks. If that were true publishers wouldn't spend thousands on their designs. But I can assure you Chris that this book should be great inside, regarless of what you think of the cover. And I'm grateful that you're buying a copy (but not half so grateful as Cutting Block Press, I'll bet!). Cheers, mate.
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