Sunday, February 19, 2006

Cloud Nine

My novella, 'The Reconstruction of Kasper Clark', has been accepted for inclusion in The Butcher Shop Quartet. Any regular readers of this blog will know, without being told, how chuffed I am to announce this.


Gerard Brennan said...

Congratulations man,

The Reconstruction of Kasper Clarke is a story that needs to be read. I look forward to seeing it in print. And I gather that there's been an extra 1000 words added since I read it. That's a good enough excuse for me to buy it.

Now that you have a bit more time on your hands perhaps your next step should be a novel?

Go on, I dare you!

Gerard Brennan

Michael Stone said...

A novel is getting closer. I've actually got a 90,000 word novel in a folder marked 'scraps' on my computer. Some of it -- the last few chapters -- is salvageable, so... I remember working on that novel though, and it took over my life for nearly 18 months. It's a very daunting thing is a novel.

Gerard Brennan said...

90,000? Good on ya!

I can imagine how much mind time it would take up. Not something I'm going to jump into just yet. Well good luck with it.

Anonymous said...


I second the call for a novel.

- Jonathan

Michael Stone said...

I've certainly got more time on my hands now than I've ever had so no excuses, I shall begin the novels (note the plural!) soon. I have one more short story to do before I can give the novels my full attention; a story set just after WWI about the influenza pandemic.