Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My Left Eye

I handed my sick note in to work today, to no one's great surprise. I'll go back in seven weeks time to pick up my redundancy cheque and that will be that.

Chris Hall is revamping my site for me. www.mylefteye.net was something of a rush job. Chris wanted more time to work out a design whereas I wanted a site up and running before the Bew Year so I could shout about some good news. But now I'm a man of leisure and he's had more time to think about it we're looking at some alternative themes to run with, and some of the ideas look pretty damned good. Far better than the current one.

I've popped THE LIGHT KNIGHT RETURNS in the queue at critters.org. It's not really finished, but I have plenty of time to fix that before it's due for critiquing. 7800 words (I cut a helluva lot out this morning), and just an epilogue to add. I'm pleased with it.

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