Thursday, March 02, 2006

Well done, Gerard

Gerard Brennan, whose contribution to the Badass Horror anthology I had the pleasure of editing, has won the Demented Nursery Rhyme contest held by Champagne Shivers. His entry 'The Trial' came first out of 200 submissions. That's no mean feat. So well done, Gerard!

Today I managed to find the time to do a healthy revision of my story 'The Light Knight Returns'. The bulky superhero, who weighed in at over 8000 words, managed to shed over 1k and now stands at a far trimmer 6900 words in his spandex tights. So well done, me!

Tonight I had the pleasure of watching U2 fans on eBay do battle for some old bits of vinyl I have. Several singles equals £105. So well done me, again!

1 comment:

Gerard Brennan said...

Hey Mike,

Ta for the mention. I appreciate that.

Good luck!
