Thursday, March 09, 2006

'The Uinta Incident' sold

I'm chuffed to report another story sale. This time it's my sf/fantasy crossover 'The Uinta Incident' that has found a home. I submitted it to CONTINUUM SF magazine before Christmas. The editor/publisher Bill Rupp emailed this morning to ask if he can take it for a new project he's launching (he doesn't say when, but I'm guessing it'll be 2007) called WORLDS APART. I've emailed him to ask what the payment and contract will be, but if it's the same as for CONTINUUM then I will be quite satisfied.


Gerard Brennan said...

Nice work Mike! Congratulations on another impressive sale.


Michael Stone said...

Thanks Gerard! You know as well as I do how good it feels to locate a good home for a story. I've settled on a payment with the publisher, Bill Rupp. $15 and three contributer copies. Not half as much as for a story he took two years ago, but it's still an okay compensation in small press terms.

To be honest, it's more important to me these days to see my stories treated respectfully than the actual payment (although the two tend to go hand in hand -- the more a publisher pays, the more likely he is to polish and promote his mag/anthology).

Like you I've been in a Nic Pac publication. Not something to be particularly proud of. But I recall seeing Paul Finch's name in the same anthology, and he's a top writer. Lot's of awards, and A Bram Stoker nominee, I believe. So we all get caught out now and again.

At least with Bill Rupp buying 'The Uinta Incident' I know my story is in safe hands and will be well presented.

Gerard Brennan said...

You know what the funny thing is? I actually ended up in two of his "collections". I'd sent him a second story without waiting to see what the first anthology looked like (impatience again) and got accepted again.

By the time I bought a copy of the first one (yes I got sick of waiting for a contributor copy) the next one was out. My name was spelt wrong in the TOC (as well as the word contirbutor) the other stories were for the most part painfully bad and I felt stupid.

Anyway, I don't even want to write about it anymore. Like you said everyone slips up, and I did it twice. I'll get over it.

Now, you got three contributor copies? That's great! I actually get more of a kick out of seeing my name in print (especially when it's done well) so the first thing I hope for in payment is a contributor copy. Multiple ones are better than a little money in my opinion so, excellent stuff.

Have a great weekend!