Saturday, June 11, 2005

Hosin' Down

Up for work at 5 am (yes there are two 5 o'clocks in the day) as is the norm for a Friday. The upside of this is that I finish work at 12.30. Nice!

Kinda pleasant walking work at this time of year. It's Winter that gets me down. Dark mornings mean stepping in dog turds, tripping over kerbs and bumping into awkwardly parked cars. What I do is memorise the locations of all the dog turds on the way home, when it's light, so I can try and avoid them the following morning when it's dark. My mate Russ enquired whether this meant I had a shit memory. Haha, such a wag is Russ. Last year I walked into a Gas sub-station. Yup, a bloody great building that's been there ever since God knows when. I misjudged the distance it takes me to walk round it and smacked my head on it. Split skin, trickle of blood, bruised ego. How my workmates laughed to see such fun, sympathetic souls that they are.

But light mornings are cheery things to be appreciated while they last.

Helped Syd the Builder concrete the floor of the extension. Heather wanted to help cleaning up. I passed her the hosepipe on condition she behaved. "Spray the floor, not me, okay?"

"Yes, Dad."


"Yes, Dad."

"Good girl."

. . . She soaked me, of course.


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