Sunday, April 02, 2006

'Pretty Useless' lives!

As it may be a day or so yet before Chris Hall completes the mammoth task of overhauling, I'll announce it here that my story 'Pretty Useless Says' is now live at

And pretty lovely it looks too. Check it out folks, and let me know what you think.


Gerard Brennan said...

Hey Mike,

Just read Pretty Useless. Cool idea! I really liked the first line. I was caught from the start.

I don't do an awful lot of online gaming but I was able to get into this story very easily. Dion's internet attitude was perfect (this type of guy pops up in every forum as well doesn't he?). Such a good idea. :)

Ah well, back to the old spreadsheets. Thanks for the ten minute escape.

Michael Stone said...

Thanks for the kind remarks, mate. You might be interested to know that the storyline is based on personal experience.

I'm a big fan of First Person Shooter games, and tried my hand at Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, which is an online free-for-all i.e. no teamwork, if it moves, kill it!

Like the heroine of the story I was singled out by one individual -- named Dion -- who just wouldn't give me space to get my bearings. After about the tenth execution, he sent the message: "Man you suck dick". It shouldn't have bothered me but I swear I wanted to kill him! Of course, I couldn't, so I wrote 'Pretty Useless Says' instead.

I've never played an online game since. *cue violins*

Gerard Brennan said...

That's just made the story all the more enjoyable. Writer's revenge, you can't beat it eh? I was once cut off on the motorway by an SLK (very uncool) but seeing as how I'm a law abiding citizen I wrote road rage. I'm also a very bad pool player. :)

Michael Stone said...

Having read Pool Sharks, there's no way I'd play against you. Nor would I accept a lift in your car either. It's not a Fiesta by any chance, is it? Nmaed Freddy?

Gerard Brennan said...

It's a focus, but yeah, I call it Freddie, much to my wife's annoyance. :)

So we're agreed, you won't play me at pool and I won't play you at Half-Life 2.

Michael Stone said...

That's right, I meant Focus, not Fiesta. I'm not too hot on cars, was always more of a bike man. But, ha, Road Rage really owes it's existence to some arse in a Merc SLK. That's cool, I like that.

But hey, a face-off: you come armed with your pool cue (and blue chalk), and I'll bring my HEV suit and rocket-propelled grenade launcher. The only rule of combat is we must stand at least fifty yards apart. I think we might just be on even terms then.

Michael Stone said...

Trust me, when the website is finished, everyone I know will hear about it. (c:

So how's it coming along, bud?